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Since updating to Xcode 11.4 our app gives an error when "app thinning".This happens when uploading to AppStore connect as well as when doing locally.Using this article: tried to find the issue, the only thing we can find with an error is the following: Clang: cd /var/folders/50/jtdx_btx4jx5r12s1r430x1r0000gn/T/temp4o2hpv4v ['/Applications/', '-cc1', '-triple', 'thumbv7-apple-ios6.0.0', '-emit-obj', '-disable-llvm-optzns', '-target-abi', 'apcs-gnu', '-mfloat-abi', 'soft', '-O3', '-mllvm', '-arm-bitcode-compatibility', '-mllvm', '-fast-isel=0', '-x', 'ir', '627', '-o', '627.o'] -= Output =- Exited with -11The problem seems to be in one of our libraries, but the app compiles fine, also the app didn't have any problem before XCode 11.4We have compiled all libraries with armv7 and arm64 support, with bitcode enabled. How can we findout which specific object file 627.o is?Any help is appreciated,Harm
by H Elzinga.
Last updated